Bogowie Olimpu / Gods of Olympia
Bogowie olimpijscy – bogowie zamieszkujący górę Olimp w mitologii greckiej.
Sprawowali wszelką władzę nad ludźmi i decydowali o ich istnieniu, życiu lub śmierci. Pili boski nektar i jedli ambrozję, która dawała im nieśmiertelność i urodę. Było ich dwunastu.
Skład owej dwunastki nie zawsze był jednak jednakowy. W każdym źródle wymieniano jednak: Afrodytę, Apollo, Aresa, Artemidę, Atenę, Hefajstosa, Herę, Hermesa, Posejdona, Zeusa. Pozostałe dwa miejsca w zależności od źródeł uzupełniają: Hades , Demeter, Dionizos oraz Hestia.
Dynastię bogów zapoczątkowali: Uranos (niebo) i Gaja (ziemia), która narodziła się z Chaosu i sama z siebie urodziła Uranosa we śnie. Ich potomstwem byli: tytani i tytanidy, hekatonchejrowie oraz cyklopi niebiańscy.
Kronos poślubił Reję, następnie okaleczył i pozbawił swojego ojca władzy. Uranos przeklnął Kronosa przepowiednią, że i jego obali własne dziecko. Kronos bojąc się utraty władzy każde nowo narodzone dziecko połykał. Połknął: Hestię, Demeter, Herę, Hadesa i Posejdona. Rea pozbawiona wszystkich dzieci postanowiła, że nie dopuści żeby szósty potomek został połknięty. Jako szósty urodził się Zeus. Rea zamiast niego podała Kronosowi kamień zawinięty w pieluszkę, a Zeusa ukryła na Krecie. Kiedy Zeus osiągnął wiek dojrzały za poradą Metis, poprosił matkę by podała Kronosowi środek wymiotny, który spowodował, że musiał on zwymiotować połknięte dzieci. Przywrócone życiu rodzeństwo pod wodzą Zeusa wypowiedziało wojnę Kronosowi. Wojna trwała 10 lat, w walce z Kronosem Zeusa wsparli ci, których Uranos wtrącił do Tartaru, czyli cyklopi i hekatonchejrowie. Dzięki temu wsparciu Zeus odniósł zwycięstwo i zajął miejsce w Niebie, a za swoją siedzibę obrał Olimp. Kronos wraz z innymi tytanami został zamknięty w Tartarze.
Olympic gods - gods living in Mount Olympus in Greek mythology.
They exercised all power over people and decided about their existence, life or death. They drank the divine nectar and ate ambrosia, which gave them immortality and beauty. There were twelve of them.
The composition of this twelve was not always the same. In each source, however, were mentioned: Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Poseidon, and Zeus. The remaining two places, depending on the sources, are completed by: Hades, Demeter, Dionysus and Hestia.
The gods' dynasty began: Uranos (heaven) and Gaia (earth), who was born of Chaos and gave birth to Uranus in her dream by herself. Their offspring were: titans and titans, hekatonchers and heavenly cyclopes.
Kronos married Reja, then crippled and deprived his father of power. Uranus cursed Cronus with a prophecy that he would overthrow his own child. Kronos, fearing the loss of power, every new born child swallowed. He swallowed: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, and Poseidon. Rea, deprived of all the children, decided that she would not allow the sixth child to be swallowed. Zeus was the sixth born. Rea instead gave Kronos a stone wrapped in a diaper, and Zeus hid in Crete. When Zeus reached maturity with the advice of Metis, he asked his mother to give Kronos the emetic remedy that caused him to vomit the swallowed children. The revived siblings led by Zeus declared war against Kronos. The war lasted for 10 years, in the fight against the Cronus of Zeus supported those whom Uranos threw in Tartarus, or cyclops and hecathearshers. Thanks to this support, Zeus won the victory and took his place in Heaven, and for his seat he chose Olimp. Kronos together with other titans was closed in Tartar.
They exercised all power over people and decided about their existence, life or death. They drank the divine nectar and ate ambrosia, which gave them immortality and beauty. There were twelve of them.
The composition of this twelve was not always the same. In each source, however, were mentioned: Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Poseidon, and Zeus. The remaining two places, depending on the sources, are completed by: Hades, Demeter, Dionysus and Hestia.
The gods' dynasty began: Uranos (heaven) and Gaia (earth), who was born of Chaos and gave birth to Uranus in her dream by herself. Their offspring were: titans and titans, hekatonchers and heavenly cyclopes.
Kronos married Reja, then crippled and deprived his father of power. Uranus cursed Cronus with a prophecy that he would overthrow his own child. Kronos, fearing the loss of power, every new born child swallowed. He swallowed: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, and Poseidon. Rea, deprived of all the children, decided that she would not allow the sixth child to be swallowed. Zeus was the sixth born. Rea instead gave Kronos a stone wrapped in a diaper, and Zeus hid in Crete. When Zeus reached maturity with the advice of Metis, he asked his mother to give Kronos the emetic remedy that caused him to vomit the swallowed children. The revived siblings led by Zeus declared war against Kronos. The war lasted for 10 years, in the fight against the Cronus of Zeus supported those whom Uranos threw in Tartarus, or cyclops and hecathearshers. Thanks to this support, Zeus won the victory and took his place in Heaven, and for his seat he chose Olimp. Kronos together with other titans was closed in Tartar.